Thursday, October 7, 2010

Another week and still waiting

Although I am a little disappointed that I'm not yet reporting the birth of our new baby (I know, I know, patience), we have still kept pretty busy.

Last weekend, we went to Brandan's school to watch conference.  On Sunday, Jared and Kari Ivie and their daughter met us there.  They have just moved to Newcastle to take over an optometrist office there.  Weird how Firth seems to pop up everywhere, huh?  The boys loved playing with Abby and it was fun to chat with the Ivies.  We maybe did a little too much chatting...we are now rewatching conference on our phones. 

This is Brand's classroom where we watched conference.  Check out the big screen!

On Monday I had a doctor's appointment in Rapid City.  We were in a hurry so Dash was getting himself ready.  He loves overalls, or belly pants as he calls them, but he hasn't fit in any for a couple of years.  This doesn't stop him from trying them on, however.  He was rummaging through Colt's drawers and found some overalls and tried to convince me to let him wear them to the doctor's.  It took some talking, but I finally got him to change, but not until after I took a picture.  I figured I'd draw enough attention with two boys in a gynecology office, I didn't need one of the boys looking like Billy Bob Jones. 

Here is Dash wearing Colt's overalls.  He doesn't seem to mind the wedgie.
And our final news: Brand's football team tied in overtime on Tuesday.  It's not technically a win, but it's not a loss either, so we'll take it.


  1. Hey Candie! I found your blog-- hope you don't mind if I follow you. Can't wait to read about what you've been up to. =)

  2. That is possibly the cutest picture of Dash i have ever seen!! We miss you guys so much!
