Friday, November 5, 2010

Colt's 2nd Birthday!

Colt is officially into the terrible twos.  I wouldn't say he waited for his birthday to start being destructive, but it has seemed to intensify since then.  Even as I write this he is emptying cupboards and I believe he may be writing on the walls.  Oh well, it will buy me some time...

October 20th was a beautiful day and so the boys spent most of the morning outdoors "raking" leaves, digging in the dirt, and hauling rocks; all Colt's favorite activites.  In the meantime, I was in the kitchen making a puppy birthday cake.  That night we had our friends, Randy and Tia Bensen and their two children over for dinner and cake.  The Bensen kids are a little older than the boys, but they all played together hard enough to work up a sweat so I would say, overall, Colt had a good day.

October 20th - The boys spent the morning raking and then scattering the leaves.

Colt opening his birthday presents with a little help from Dash.

Colt's puppy birthday cake.

Daddy ended Colt's special day by reading the boys stories.

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