Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A Quick Catch Up

Even though I've been slow to post lately, we've been staying busy.  Actually that's why I've been slow to post.  Brandan has to spend 3 or 4 nights a week refereeing basketball or overseeing concessions.  The boys and I go down to the school as often as I have the energy. When they aren't running around the school, the boys are running around the house, creating new games and destroying old ones.  Sport has grown a ton.  I'll be posting several pictures of him doing pretty much the same thing, but he is just so cute I couldn't leave any out.

Sport in our favorite shirt.

On February 6, Sport started trying to roll of his back.

Sport rolling.  I think he started rolling so he could watch his brothers playing.


More Sport


The boys like to lick the baking spoons in front of Sport and make him drool...more than usual.

Dash is really good at including all his brothers.  Here they are watching a movie together.

Dash and Colt have started playing a version of ping pong.  They use the card table, a whiffle ball, and a toy wrench and screwdriver for paddles.

Valentines Day

For Valentines Day, the boys spent hours making a mess, I mean making cards the week before and then on Valentines Day we took the cards and some treats to the Senior Citizen Center. The boys were very pleased with themselves, particularly since they were given a few bags of cookies before we left the center.

Dash and Colt making Valentine cards.

The boys outside the Senior Citizen Center on Valentines Day.

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