Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Field Trip

Before I decided to take Dash out of school for State Track, I double checked with his teacher about what he would miss in school.  In an email, she mentioned that they were hoping to plan a field trip to the Animal Sanctuary for the week following State, but they were unable to get any response.  Well, just about that time Brandan came home from lunch and within minutes he had called Mike and set up a time for the kids to come.  Mike did, however, suggest that Brandan come with them and help with the tour and so Brandan really had no choice but to go to his principal and explain that if he wasn't able to go with the Kindergartners on their field trip, they wouldn't be able to go at all.  Well, Mr. Wilson would have to be heartless to not let Brandan go and so it was that he rode over to Spearfish on the bus and I came over in the van with the other kids so that we could drive Brandan home for his afternoon classes as soon as the tour was over.
Colt, Dash and "his best friend Rhett"
Now that's a happy boy.
Looking at the tigers.
The group - Kindergarten and 2nd grade (with 3 little stow-a-ways)
Kindergartners can sure be good for your self esteem.  At one point, Brandan was sitting in the back of the bus while I followed right behind and one of the little guys told Brandan that his 'Mom' (aka me) was pretty.  I'm choosing to focus on the pretty part and let the Mom comment slide.  Another little boy, one of the smallest little peanuts in the Kindergarten walked up to Brandan holding his Denver Broncos lunch box.  Brandan is 6 ft which was obviously impressive to this kid because he looked Brandan up and down and asked in awe, "Do you play for the Toncos?" 
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